Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractors look to affect joints in the body that have lost normal motion. The chiropractic adjustment consists of precise directed movement to the joints. This helps restore motion in the joint but also to the ligaments, joint capsules and surrounding tissues. Chiropractors go through extensive training to perform adjustments effectively and safely. You may hear a cavitation, which is the “clicking” or “popping” sensation. However, a successful chiropractic adjustment does not require a cavitation to occur.
Endurance Sport and Spine uses Diversified techniques. Dr. Kirsten is skilled in:
Instrument Assisted/Activator Trained
Graston Technique
Graston Technique® is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. Graston instruments are stainless steel tools that address scar tissue and fascial restrictions in the body. Scar tissue will decrease range of motion and cause local pain. By breaking down the scar tissue, it helps restore function in the body. Graston tools can be combined with therapeutic exercises, leading to pain-free movement and improved function.
Read more about Graston Technique at
Rehabilitation Exercises
Patients are encourage and asked to take part in their care. There may be situations where the patient is given a unique exercise program tailored to them, in order to provide better outcomes. Patient education is important at Endurance Sport and Spine. Combining exercises with soft tissue and joint mobilization will produce a lasting result.
Hypervolt & Soft Tissue Mobilization
Hypervolt® is a type of percussion therapy that reduces muscle stiffness, soreness and improves range of motion. Soft tissue mobilization is performed by taking a patient through a range of motion to allow for lengthening of the muscle. When you are able to lengthen the muscle, it restores motion in the muscle as well as decreases stiffness.
Cupping therapy can improve circulation to muscles and skin, reduce pain, oosen adhesions and promote relaxation. Soft tissue mobilization is performed based on the condition and the benefits of the therapy for the patient.
When you combine soft tissue mobilization with chiropractic adjustments, your body will respond better. The goal is to get you feeling better faster, and to keep you doing what you love!
Endurance Sport and Spine is dedicated to bringing you quality care in order to achieve lasting results. With that dedication, I promise to stay up to date on the latest research to bring you evidence-based treatments for your condition.
My patients are my top priority! If at any point I feel that we are not getting the results we want, I will redirect you to someone who can.